How to install JivoChat on Weebly
Now you can install JivoChat in your Weebly website with just a couple of clicks.
We added our plugin (JivoChat - multichannel chat) in the Weebly App Center.
You can simply search in the App center or click this direct link.
Click on the "Add" button pointed below.
Now click on "Connect".
In this step you can create a brand new JivoChat account by filling the blank fields or you can connect an existing account:
You can publish the changes and wait a few minutes for the chat to show on your website.
That is all! Now, to be online in the chat and start answering customers, all you need to do is access and log in to the JivoChat Web app or download our Desktop and Mobile apps from our website by clicking here.
If you need to delete the integration to connect a different account just go to Settings-> Apps on your Weebly panel.